Enforcement cooperation


In the current digital economy, international cooperation among the G7 DPAs is felt as strongly needed to effectively implement regulations, mostly in relation to the adoption, worldwide, of new and emerging technologies and the increase in data flow.

Cooperation for the implementation of common rules

To this purpose, the G7 Roundtable on Enforcement cooperation is already working to define a strategy shared by the G7 DPAs to prevent inappropriate processing of personal data by large global companies. The idea is to have a common enforcement cooperation between the Data Protection Authorities by sharing best practices and developing a solid working network that, as far as the G7 are concerned, should be able to extend also between the Data Protection Authorities of the other countries.

Against this background, a proactive sharing of information and best practices is, therefore, a priority for the G7 Italy 2024 to act together with coordinated actions in cases of common interest that could also have a negative impact at the global level. Among the ‘”hot topics” are those triggered by generative Artificial Intelligence.

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